Contact, Meeting and References
You can contribute changes, report issues and join discussions on Github.
Join the Kassiopeia community on Gitter.
Kasper development list:
Richard Salomon:
Benedikt Bieringer:
Regular Meeting
We also organize a regular meeting via Zoom.
Kassiopeia users as well as developers can join, ask questions, raise issues and discuss development topics. It does not matter whether you are already an expert or a complete beginner. Everyone is welcome!
The meeting is announced via email. Please register for the mailing list if you are interested.
References and Citation
Cite our paper :
D. Furse et al. (2017) New J. Phys. 19 053012: “Kassiopeia: A Modern, Extensible C++ Particle Tracking Package” (doi:10.1088/1367-2630/aa6950)
In addition to this user guide, Kassiopeia and its associated libraries have been documented extensively in several PhD theses. Many of these can be found under the list of KATRIN publications.