General Statements

The document language used for describing a Kassiopeia simulation configuration is based on standard XML, but has been augmented with several additional features to aid in complicated or repetitive tasks. For a full description of this language and its features, see [1].

The general XML syntax is:

<element attribute1="value1" attribute2="value2">
    <child_element attribute="value"/>

where <element> defines an element that corresponds to an object of Kassiopeia or one of the other modules. Each element can have an unlimited number of attrbutes, each with its own value. Attributes are passed on to the corresponding object during initialization. XML allows nesting of elements, and therefore some elements can have child elements with the same syntax.

All elements must end with a closing statement, like <element> ... </element>. For elements without children, the syntax can be shortened to the single statement <element ... />.


A local variable may be defined with a particular value (integer,floating point type, string, etc.) with the following syntax:

<define name="my_variable" value="1.3e-5"/>

and may be reference by any other subsequent (using a local variable before it is defined is not allowed) element in the document through the use of the square brackets [...] in the following manner:

<some_element name="my_element" some_property="[my_variable]"/>

Note that all variables are defined as strings, but can be interpreted as other types (such as numbers, lists, etc.) by during initialization of the element. The details depend on the element’s implementation.

Normal variables are defined only for the scope of the current file. Global variables, on the other hand, persist across any subsequently included files. These may be specified through:

<global_define name="my_global_variable" value="an_important_value"/>

Both local and global variables my be undefined (removed from the parser’s scope) in the following manner:

<undefine name="my_variable"/>
<global_undefine name="my_global_variable"/>

It is also possible to reassign a variable (changing their value) with the syntax:

<redefine name="my_variable" value="1.35e-5"/>
<global_redefine name="my_global_variable" value="another_important_value"/>

Occasionally the user may wish to specify a variable which can be modified from the command line as an argument passed to Kassiopeia. These variables are called external variables and they behave in the same way as global variables, except that their first definition sets their value and other definitions are ignored. Hence, if an external variable is defined in multiple included files, only the first occurence matters. If the variable is defined on the command line, its definition precedes any of the included files.

To define an external variable called my_random_seed the syntax is:

<external_define name="my_random_seed" value="123"/>

This particular example is useful for running large batches of similar simulations. For example, to simulate many independent tracks the user might want to run the same simulation repeatedly, but use a different random seed when starting the simulation. The value of my_random_seed can be changed from its default value of 123 from the command line call to Kassiopeia in the following manner:

Kassiopeia ./my_simulation.xml -r my_random_seed=456

or with the alternate syntax:

Kassiopeia ./my_simulation.xml --my_random_seed=456

Note that this applies to other applications that belong to Kassiopeia or the other modules as well.

Including external files

Including external XML files is also supported through a relatively simple syntax. This is helpful when a simulation is too complex to be managed by a single file. A separate XML file can be included using the following:

<include name="/path/to/file/my_file.xml"/>

This include expression may also be configured dynamically through the use of a variable, for example:

<external_define name="my_file_name" value="my_file.xml"/>
<include name="/path/to/file/[my_file_name]"/>

could be modified to include an entirely different file by passing another file name argument to Kassiopeia using:

Kassiopeia ./my_simulation.xml -r my_file_name=my_other_file.xml

This feature is particularly useful and enables the user to swap in an entirely different configuration for some portion of the simulation by passing a single command line variable.

Lastly, it is possible to mark an included file as optional so that no error will be thrown if the files does not exist. This is sometimes useful when a file with variable definitions should be included before the main configuration. The syntax in this case is:

<include name="/path/to/file/another_file.xml" optional="true"/>

Conditional Expressions and Looping

In addition to mathematical expressions, simple boolean conditions can be specified. These are often helpful for swapping or toggling on/off different features, but also for setting several variables depending on the value of a “meta variable”. An example showing the inclusion/exclusion of a brief section of XML is shown below:

<define name="var1" value="1"/>
<define name="var2" value="0"/>
<if condition="{[var1] eq [var2]}">
    <!-- intervening section of xml to be included/excluded -->

Note that this uses the formula syntax {...} in the condition. The operator eq checks for equality between the two variables. Other allowed operators are listed in the table below. To combine multiple conditions into one expression, use brackets like ([var1] eq [var2]) && ([var3] eq [var4]).

Conditional operators

XML syntax

C++ operator



! A


Logical “not”

False if statement A is true.

A && B


Logical “and”

True if both statements A and B are true.

A || B


Logical “or”

True if one of the statements A and B is true.

A eq B



True if both values A and B are equal.

A ne B



True if both values A and B are not equal.

A gt B



True if value A is greater than value B.

A lt B



True if value A is less than value B.

A ge B



True if value A is greater or equal to value B.

A le B



True if value A is less or equal to value B.

A mod B



Return remainder of value A divided by value B.

It is also possible to check directly if a variable has been set to a “true” value (i.e. not 0, false, or an empty string.) The syntax in this case is:

<external_define name="var1" value=""/>
<if condition="[var1]">
    <!-- intervening section of xml to be included/excluded -->

The conditional expression does not support if-else blocks, so in order to define an alternate conditional branch one has to add another if-statement in the XML file.

Another feature which is indispensable when assembling complicated or repetitive geometries is the the ability to insert multiple copies of an XML fragment with slight modifications. This is called looping and is somewhat similar to the way a for-loop works in C++ or Python. However, it is a purely static construct intended that is only evaluated during XML initialization to reduce the amount of code needed to describe a geometry (or other XML feature.)

An example of its use can be found in the DipoleTrapMeshedSpaceSimulation.xml example. The example of the loop syntax for the placement of several copies of a surface with the name intermediate_z_surface is given below:

<loop variable="i" start="0" end="10" step="1">
    <surface name="intermediate_z[i]" node="intermediate_z_surface">
        <transformation displacement="0. 0. {-0.5 + [i]*(0.4/10.)}"/>

In this case, the loop variable [i] is used to define the name of the copy and its displacement.

Loops and conditional expressions may also be nested when needed.


It is wise to include comments in the XML files to explain certain structures or their behavior. Comment blocks are included by the syntax:

<!-- This is a multi-line comment
     that provides useful information. -->

As shown above, a comment can span multiple lines. Any text between <!-- ... --> is ignored by the XML initializer, including any XML elements. This makes it possible to quickly comment out parts of the file, e.g. for debugging.


An important difference to regular XML syntax is the fact that comments can be nested: <!-- ... <!-- ... --> ... --> is entirely ignored.


[1] Daniel Lawrence Furse. Techniques for direct neutrino mass measurement utilizing tritium [beta]-decay. PhD thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2015.

[2] Thomas Corona. Methodology and application of high performance electrostatic field simulation in the KATRIN experiment. PhD thesis, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 2014.

[3] John P. Barrett. A Spatially Resolved Study of the KATRIN Main Spectrometer Using a Novel Fast Multipole Method. PhD thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2016.