
Once the simulation geometry has been specified, the user may describe the types of electric and magnetic fields they wish associate with each geometric object. The field package KEMField takes care of solving the boundary value problem and computing the fields for electrostatic problems. It also handles the magnetic field computation from static current distributions.

Fast field calculation methods are available for axially symmetric (zonal harmonics) and three dimensional problems (fast multipole method). The abstract base classes responsible for electric and magnetic fields in Kassiopeia are KSElectricField and KSMagneticField respectively, which interface with the corresponding implementations in KEMField.

For example, in the DipoleTrapSimulation.xml example the electric and magnetic fields are axially symmetric and can be computed using the zonal harmonics expansion.

Electric fields

To specify the electric field, the geometric surfaces which are electrically active must be listed in the surfaces element. It is important that the surfaces which are specified have a mesh extension and a boundary type extension. If either of these extensions are missing from the specified surface, they will not be included in the electrostatics problem. A boundary element mesh is needed to solve the Laplace equation using the boundary element method. Each element of the mesh inherits its parent surface’s boundary condition type.

Both a method to solve the Laplace boundary value problem (a bem_solver), and a method by which to compute the fields from the resulting charge densities must be given (a field_solver). In the following example we use a robin_hood_bem_solver and a zonal_harmonic_field_solver:


It is also important that geometric elements be meshed appropriately with respect to symmetry. In the case that the user wishes to use zonal harmonic field calculation routines, an axial_mesh must be used. If a normal (3D) mesh is used, zonal harmonics cannot function. Different mesh/symmetry types cannot be combined within the same electric field solving element. The symmetry of the electric field model is set by the symmetry attribute.

The zonal-harmonic solver offers many parameters to fine-tune the applied approximation. The example above lists mostly default values. The most important parameter is probably the distance of the “source points”, which provide the basis for the approximation. The example above defines a spacing of 1 mm along the z-axis.

In the three-dimensional mesh case, either an integrating field solver, or a fast multipole field solver may be used. The integrating field solver may be specified through inclusion of the element:


within the the electrostatic_field element (replacing the zonal_harmonic_field_solver in the example above). As the integrating field solver is quite simple, it does not require additional parameters.

The fast multipole field solver on the other hand is somewhat more complex and requires a relatively large set of additional parameters to be specified in order to configure its use according to the user’s desired level of accuracy and computational effort.

For a complete list and description of the XML bindings available for the electric field solving routines, navigate to the directory $KASPERSYS/config/KEMField/Complete. The file ElectricFields.xml has examples of the binding for initializing electric field problems (see GitHub: KEMField/Source/XML/Complete/ElectricFields.xml.)

Magnetic fields

The specification of the magnetic field solving routines is considerably simpler since there is no need to solve a boundary value problem before hand. There are essentially two choices for solving magnetic fields from static current distributions: The zonal harmonics method for use with axially symmetric current sources, and the integrating magnetic field solver which can be used on geometries with more arbitrary distributions of current. Unlike electric fields, magnetic fields can contain components with both axially symmetric and non-axially symmetric elements within the same region with no adverse effects.

The following example uses the zonal harmonics method to compute the magnetic field:


Note that although the zonal harmonics solver allows a faster calculation of the electromagnetic fields, but requires some initialization time to compute the source points. Depending on the simulation, the overall computation time could be lower when using the integrating solver instead.

Also, please note that only three KGeoBag shapes can be used to create electromagnets: cylinder surface, cylinder tube space, and rod space. For details, see the above section Extensions. If other shapes are added to the electromagnet field elemenet, they will not be recognized as magnet geometries. When using rod spaces, the resulting magnet element will be a “line current” that does not allow any zonal harmonic approximation and is always solved directly.

A complete list and set of examples of the XML bindings for magnetic fields can be found in the file $KASPERSYS/config/KEMField/Complete/MagneticFields.xml (see GitHub: KEMField/Source/XML/Complete/MagneticFields.xml.)

Further documentation on the exact methods and parameters used in KEMField can be found in [2] and [3].


[1] Daniel Lawrence Furse. Techniques for direct neutrino mass measurement utilizing tritium [beta]-decay. PhD thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2015.

[2] Thomas Corona. Methodology and application of high performance electrostatic field simulation in the KATRIN experiment. PhD thesis, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 2014.

[3] John P. Barrett. A Spatially Resolved Study of the KATRIN Main Spectrometer Using a Novel Fast Multipole Method. PhD thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2016.