
Field calculation

Although Kassiopeia is quite powerful in terms of configuration options, sometimes it is necessary to calculate the electric or magnetic field at one or more defined points in the geometry. This is especially useful to compare different geometry setups, or during the design stage when full-scale simulations are not yet feasible. The field calculation tools are intended to help with these tasks.

Several programs are available for working with electric fields:

  • SimpleElectricFieldCalculator calculates the electric field and potential at a single point in the global coordinate system, and prints the results to the terminal.

  • SimpleElectricFieldCalculatorAlongZaxis calculates the electric field and potential at several points spread along the z-axis, defined by a start and stop position on the z-axis and a distance between points. The results are printed to the terminal and saved to a output text file.

  • SimpleElectricFieldCalculatorOverXYplane calculates the electric field and potential at several points spread over the xy-plane, defined by a position on the z-axis, a maimum radius, and a distance between points. The results are printed to the terminal and saved to a output text file.

  • SimpleElectricFieldCalculatorAlongFieldline calculates the electric field and potential along a field line, which is calculated with the help of Kassiopeia using a magnetic trajectory. In principle this can be done through the Kassiopeia XML interfaces, but this program provides a convenient method for a simple field line calculation. The results are printed to the terminal and saved to a output text file.

  • SimpleElectricFieldCalculatorFromFile takes coordinates from a given input text file and calculates the electric field and potential at each point. The results are printed to the terminal and saved to a output text file.

For working with magnetic fields, the same programs are available under the adapted name SimpleMagneticFieldCalculator and so on. In addition, there is:

  • SimpleMagneticGradientCalculator calculates the magnetic field and its gradient at a single point in the global coordinate system, and prints the results to the terminal.


Some KEMField tools are especially useful for development. InspectEMFile e.g. prints an overview over all keys in .kbd files (like KEMField cache files, from which the hash values can be used for the explicit_superposition_cached_charge_density_solver). These tools can be found here: GitHub: KEMField/Source/Applications/Tools.


All listed programs will show a brief usage summary if called without arguments. For example, the SimpleElectricFieldCalculatorAlongZaxis will show a message:

usage: ./SimpleElectricFieldCalculatorAlongZaxis <config_file.xml> <z1> <z2> <dz> <output_file.txt> <electric_field_name1> [<electric_field_name2> <...>]

which indicates that at least 6 arguments are required: the name of a configuration file with at least one defined electric field; the start and stop position and step distance on the z-axis; the name of an output file; and the name of an electric field. If multiple fields are specified, their contributions will be summed up.